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The Coming of the American Revolution: 1764 to 1776

× 糖业法案 印花税法案 自由之子的形成 汤森法案 非消费和非进口 波士顿大屠杀 The Formation of the Committees of Correspondence 波士顿倾茶事件 强制行为 第一届大陆会议 列克星敦和康科德 第二届大陆会议 邦克山战役 Washington Takes Command of the Continental Army 独立宣言



Irate over colonists' reaction to the Coercive Acts, King George III declares that Parliament must take a tougher stand against this "most daring spirit of resistance and disobedience to the law." Parliament overwhelmingly agrees: Massachusetts is in a state of rebellion, and several other colonies are aiding and abetting her insubordination.

托马斯·盖奇将军, commander of British forces in America and recently appointed governor of Massachusetts, 决心平息动乱吗. He exerts his authority over all aspects of Massachusetts' public life, 会议厅, 到法院, 到码头. Regulars are everywhere, an ever-present sign of Boston's humiliation.

Sensing the town's rising temperature, Gage decides to defuse New England's military arsenal. 九月一日, he sends 260 soldiers to seize 250 barrels of gunpowder from the powder house at Charlestown. Colonists, convinced they are under attack, raise a 粉报警, which mobilizes thousands of local militia, some as far away as Connecticut. Gage fortifies Boston against possible attack, while the Provincial Congress establishes a network of alarm riders and rapid-response militia units. Many fear that civil war is imminent and pray, “上天会避开暴风雨的!"

An astute general, Gage needs to understand the lay of the land. In January, he issues orders for Captain John Brown and Ensign Henry de Berniere. The spies are to travel west through Suffolk and Worcester Counties and take 乡村写生, noting tactical opportunities and obstacles. 三月在米德尔塞克斯郡进行勘察, Brown and Berniere discover a store of weapons and supplies in Concord. 离波士顿只有20英里, and a meeting place of the suspended—and thereby illegal—Provincial Congress, Concord is the site of Gage's next strike. Reinforcing his decision is a secret letter from Lord Dartmouth, the Secretary of State for the American Colonies, who encourages Gage to arrest Whig leaders, 没收叛军的武器, 实施戒严令.

On the night of 18 April, British grenadier and light infantry companies gather in Boston's Back Bay. They are ferried across the Charles River basin to Cambridge, and from there they begin their march into Concord. Paul Revere and others sneak out of Boston and ride through the countryside 敲响警钟. When the Regulars arrive in Lexington, minutemen are waiting. 一场血腥的对抗爆发了. After the British push on, eight colonists lie dead on the green; ten more are wounded. In Concord, the Regulars are met by an even greater force, which repels them at North Bridge. The Regulars, in retreat, are pursued by a growing militia force, drawn by widely rippling alarms. In time, both sides accuse each other of 血腥的屠杀.

To prevent Gage's troops from making any more forays into the countryside, 20,000个省的人围攻波士顿. From the safety of its meeting place in Watertown, Dr. 约瑟夫•沃伦, president of the Provincial Congress in John Hancock's absence, 道出了许多人的心声. To “保卫我们的妻子和孩子”, he declares, each Massachusetts town should enlist men to form an army. But Gage soon strikes a deal: he issues 通行证 in and out of Boston so long as Bostonians first surrender their weapons. It seems further bloodshed is averted, at least for the time being.

Whig leaders try to piece together what happened in 列克星敦和康科德. They take depositions from all eyewitnesses, including the 午夜骑士的证词. 盖奇开始讲述他是如何做到的 “这件不幸的事情已经发生了." In the ensuing battle for public opinion, not only throughout the colonies but also in England, 波士顿人赢了. Dispatching their report by a fast schooner, they edge out Gage by two weeks. The first account Parliament will receive and the British press will publish announces, 民兵辩称自己无罪.


“昨晚是掷弹兵 & Light Companies belonging to the several Regiments in Town were ferry'd over Charles River & landed on Phipps Farm in Cambridge from whence they Proceeded on their way to Concord, 他们今天早到哪了. On their march they had a Skirmish with some Country People at Lexington.... "



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